Archives of the Hungarian Province of the Society of Jesus

The Archives of the Hungarian Province of the Society of Jesus joined the group of collections using 'Arca' (Combined Register of Hungarian Ecclesiastical Archives) in the middle of April, 2020. This triggered the adaptation of the archival structure, therefore our former registers – including the table below (to be corrected soon) – do not represent the actual framework and reference codes. Thus from now on, please consult 'Arca' before starting your research and cite the new reference codes in prepublished and future papers.

Find our actual Register of Fonds with search functions in the Arca

Combined Register of Hungarian Ecclesiastical Archives


The browse panel (left side of the page on the link above) represents the Archives in a tree structure, while the search field (and the drop-down 'Advanced Search') in the upper bar allows the retrieval of data from the database using various search terms.

Most of the archival material of the Hungarian Province of the Society of Jesus (JTMR) is held in filing cabinets or in standard acid-free boxes (12X32X46 cm) on shelves. In the case of the former the quantity of the material is given in linear meter (=lm) in the following table, in the case of the latter the number of boxes (=b) is indicated. One box contains an average of 0.12 linear meters of records.

Some links to extra information about certain units in Hungarian (with invalid reference codes):

Pre-1773 manuscripts

Bóta Ernő (1854-1939)

Révay Tibor (1874-1956)

Hunya Dániel (1900-1957)

Jámbor László (1874-1963)

Godó Mihály (1913-1998)

Lukács László (1910-1998)

Héjja Gyula (1923 – 1999)