The E-Archives service of the Hungarian Jesuit Archives started in 2016 on the occasion of the 60th anniversary of the Hungarian Revolution of 1956. Then with the support of the National Cultural Fund of Hungary we digitalized and created an online, freely available database of the correspondence of the emigrant Hungarian Jesuits.
This database was extended later with a collection that can be researched only for a registration fee since 1st of January, 2018. In this section our oldest (pre-1773) documents became available as well as the whole archival material of the Secondary School of Pécs (also valuable for genealogists) and a part of the records of the Jesuit Secondary School of Kalocsa. The entire series of the Historiae Domus was also uploaded (Satu Mare, Mezőkövesd, Budapest, etc.).
In 2020, together with creating the English version of our page, we launched our free E-Library service that does not require registration. It contains online accessible volumes and papers published by the Archives as well as a link collection on Jesuit history. From 2023 it can be found on the page leveltar.jezsuita.hu.
In 2022 our E-Archives service (both e-archival sections - free and charged) moved to the joint E-Research page of the Hungarian ecclesiastical archives. For that click here.