Commemorating the 65th anniversary of the Hungarian Revolution of 1956 the Archives of the Hungarian Province of the Society of Jesus published the photographs from its holdings concerning this war of independence and its aftermath. Three series of images are preserved in the collection, all of which represent different aspects of the events.
The first series consists of footage taken in October and November 1956 in Budapest, i.e. shocking pictures of ruinous buildings and streets as well as certain actions or incidences. The second series is the result of a shooting taken place in a refugee camp (probably) in Austria later that year; these photos of Hungarian refugees were processed in the Netherlands. The third series displays young Hungarian people departing from Belgrade to Belgium by train in 1957 to start their studies in Leuven University. During their graduate years their accomodation was provided by the ’Collegium Hungaricum’ in Leuven led by Hungarian Jesuits. Our Archives acquired the first series from a private individual and the other two from the Archives of the mentioned ’Collegium Hungaricum’ in the 2000s.
Using or distributing the photographs without the licence of the Archives of the Hungarian Province of the Society of Jesus is not permitted and it is only allowed if the name of the owner collection is marked.